Current Rsn: skyline r-32
Previous Rsn: N/A
Location & Timezone: GMT +2 Finland
About Yourself: I am 18 years old. Played like 6 or 7 seasonals and now looking seasonal clan for pking most. I have been pking lot of osrs single pknig and medium multi pking.
How many Hrs a day you play: this season 8+ per day.
Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: I think this clan was very good previous seasons so why not to join one of best dmm clans.
How did you hear about us?: Watched streams, and couple of friends was at your clan member.
Have you played DMM Before? Yes 6-7 seasons
List all names you had in DMM: rautamiksu, ipenaxz, skilltodrill.
Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom?: not really right now. and I am looking too osrs clan not only dmms!