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Everything posted by GWASBALL

  1. If anyone has a tourny acc they cant sell tomorrow let me know cus I cant repay you just not instantly..

  2. Prepared to be someones slut for a tourny acc hmu

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      Meh doubt anyone will give me one ngl

    3. ir90


      they will fall to your feet



      Ey? haha I need an account ill be falling to their feet lmao

  3. So I had a tournament account from Rebuild and now he wants it back 2 days before tourny to do some imps... so I cant use that account as it will be banned for account sharing during tournament, Has anyone got a account they can spare at me I'd prefer to not pay as i had a free one until today but we discuss things.. Ty boys
  4. Lost my tourny acc someone sort me out

    1. ir90


      dam how u loseĀ  it ?

  5. Wont be long 700 total to 1500+ in a month and a half..
  6. Managed to get the rest of December off lmao tourney grind in coming

    1. ir90


      you lost your acc aha

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