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My War

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by My War

  1. Your drops have forced me to purchase my slayer tab back and get back on that slayer grind, gz homie.
  2. I would love to see an ironman with set reqs/stats join AC, that would show mad dedication. It's just the long wars that would put a huge time gap on getting them back.
  3. Destroyed, good shit boys. All they do is die once and come return in rag gear. GET ON OUR LEVEL TUF, GG
  4. Enjoy the day, send me a turkey samich, i tbed. <3
  5. Cleared with ease, keep coming back with those 1 items it won't work, good shit boys
  6. Was dead but a solid trip boys, #ac
  7. Ayy nice, still 1 pet down, gotta catch em all mate
  8. Very generous my man, once i'm back home i'll get that posted. Curious on how long 1k ava/cape/books took? @Take pics
  9. Ayy gz on the win mirin, let's hope i make the next
  10. Great job today ladies and gents, free emblems. GF
  11. Haha rekt, well grats on the ring atleast
  12. Next tourny i want NEED to see that in a kill pic, good shit.
  13. Ayyy grats, solo drops are too satisfying. Jasy, you the real mvp.
  14. Looks like your 30-40 Kc is where its at, gz!
  15. Let's get those sets bought boys, rebuild you should have 200+ at least! hahah
  16. Word, been on both sides plenty of times. 75 returns, gg.
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