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Everything posted by jayetta

  1. lolol always fun to bad i got to durnk last night and was sleeping this morn
  2. Hey sorry been really busy got hit by the hurricane I live in Florida and power went out awhile and then of course a window broke and drowned my computer in water so got to get a new one should be about a month at most but I would still like to be apart of ac still. Sorry couldn't of let you guys known sooner just real life shit

  3. fun first mass trip thanks boysss time to get ready for that tourny:P
  4. good shit boys ill be on this next trip in 40 mins!
  5. toooo stoked!!!! dont think ive been excited to wake up on a monday at 7am lmao
  6. that zully grind though! i need to get on that..
  7. lol damn bruh keep it going looking good
  8. gz not a bad week even without a drop
  9. went on first dks trip with my buddy last night got jacked.. rip
  10. joined just in time thanks again for the help boys! time to go hard in this tourny
  11. damnnn ha the panic!! haha soo closeee
  12. hahaha time to be a fucking legend mateee ha clutch af gz
  13. ahahahh that just makes me laugh! really hoping to be in for this next season of dmm looks hella fun
  14. his friend leaves his ass half way thruu hahah and dude stays just to get murked
  15. lmaooooo this is fucking hilarious. straight savage haah
  16. #clrddddd u had them returning 1 item like half way thru haha
  17. no mercy on them pvmers ha! bank was made gz
  18. making it loook ezzz! cant wait to get in some fights
  19. lmaooo ginger fked! hope to get in on this next season of dmm
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