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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Tbh the donator info should be more clearer in your defense, but on the other hand $5 should not entitle you to rock up to trips and loot free shit. You can't donate $5 and loot >$5 in GP and hope to turn a profit.
  2. "A flatline is an electrical time sequence measurement that shows no activity" No activity cuz dey fkn suk bawlz!!11!!!
  3. Indeed, though if it was 5m for example, you prob would rage for a while then continue as normal and it may happen again, still sucks either way >_>
  4. They imply progress carries over to something to some degree... hoping it's not a default Jagex slap in the face of "5% of your stats transfer to S4!"
  5. rip though 50m is a relatively cheap lesson learned if it doesn't happen again.
  6. Don't question it, just give yourself to the lord. We must turn the other cheek and do unto others and they would to us.
  7. so can we all meet up and light fires together and sing campfire songs in GE?
  8. is there an ongoing joke where we make accounts and post stats of them on day 1? I don't get it
  9. stats are fine, you can do it on level 40-50 accounts pretty easily. google setups youtube guides on positioning to save supplies / killing jad with little effort.
  10. shieetttt. even after the PID update?
  11. Exactly. We weren't taught "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words also hurt", were we?
  12. Leader of a clan stakes so much he is taking a break from leading? :\
  13. I can rent you a perfect odds staker to double our limpwurt roots
  14. Very hard to tell based on a post. Most "experts" will do what most mechanics do, trial and error parts and attempt to charge you labour each step of the way e.g. power cord, new CPU, new this, new that. Unsure if there are diagnostic tools that can be run when PC is off, you can probably still recover the HDD/SDD (hard drive). Is the PC old?
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