okay first of all I was fucking training slayer on the hill giants and I called for help when I was getting pked and than after that you decided to leave and try to lure a ahrims guy or something which apparently mystic kool1 was bsing from the start(no fucking clue literally tanking my skull on hill giants while this is going on) also just because I just changed my name to Ac zezma doesnt fucking make me od whoever the fucking autistic kid who thought that should fucking bury himself literally getting fucked over my fucking name which I didnt even fucking know who had it b4 me and anyways I was than training at hillgiants tanking with a couple sharks and mystic and I were both kicked I had no idea if he was legit I was wrongly banned from the cc as well as the ts and than I assumed he was too and than his friend showed up(mystic kool1's friend) I thought was a random pker lvl 70 and shit went on me and I got a box north of the brass key spot with mystic kool1 I don't know if he was told to run into multi by his friend by he wanted to go multi and kill the pker and I said no I had low food and he said we can take him and I lets just say here so were just talking and he randomly runs all the way into multi south of the cooking guild and fucking starts atting me right after im frozen and I manage to run to varrok past the bank with 18 hp smited and the guard atted me outside varrok west bank ( a glitch it was in torvesta's video) and I fucking raged as expected when you've been up til 7am and fucking lose even more stats for dying in the safe zone and the cherry on top fucking rest in peace talismon only took me 320 lizards THX SO FUCKING MUCH GUYS FUCKED ME OVER 2 times in 2 days. didnt mean for this to be a daily thing but ye thx again for kicking me after I got you a free pk at hill giants even skulling causing my future death in the first place and the other kicker anyonoomnos or something like that name kicks me out of sp33dy20 after I raged and told everyone and mystic kool1 claiming hes not guilty and said I bsed when I fucking had literally 4 sharks his logic is worth than fucking Hitler man if he fucking gets back in the cc Im fucking setting my stats to zero and fucking getting a chair and rope in game and irl can't fucking stand people who did a fucking crime and than they fucking act like they did something wrong especially when it comes to fucking back stabbing you fucking joking
up there is basically half rant half facts the short story is mystic kool1 fucked me over and I was wrongly kicked so the clan couldn't help me and i lost even more stats since I died in a safe zone losing my talismon after just getting it after 320 kills and ye anyone want to fucking buy me I bond I'll change my name to anything that doesn't have zezma in it and if your going to kick someone give the person the fucking chance to explain/defend themselves I mean really bro I hate having to rant on the fucking forums to get ur response a lot easier to clear it up in 2 secs not 2hrs and making me lose shit over it
I guess austin didn't explain to everyone that I'm not the other zezma you have any problems talk to him and if your wrong I would like a fucking thing on ts that gives me a ribbon for how many times I've put up with the bs you guys put on me I mean really its fucking 7am I've been up all night you think me or anyone would like to be wrongly banned fucked over and killed in the guarded zone losing all his shit and stats and still have the balls to stay on the cool side for most the time I'm not going to lie I really don't think dmm is working out so well for me
70% of the shit up there is ranting and rambling skim through it and figure out what actually is fucking going on I cant stay up much longer peace out
if your wondering I lost 7 def 1 1/2 range 1 hp 6 prayer 6 mage 1 slayer 1 agility 1 thieving 3cmbs basically 4hrs of work and money