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  1. Just letting you know im leting you guys a guilded altar im on teamspeak and pm me! make a donation if you run your own bones (ill light for you) let me know
  2. is the timer on the website wrong? as it says 14 hours? but its like 38?

  3. I also have a question a player named juiiiccce or however it was has been contacting me in game? What clan was that name associated to? As im not sure if it was here or sv, or another clan that used that name in a mass name change can someone please advise? so if it is sv i can kindly tell them to fuck off ? who used the name change of juiicccceee what clan was it?
  4. I went to work in melbourne where i was away for 2 months, then played the seasonal. then i got back to adelaide then went away for a month traveling and just got back
  5. ive been around for a while now but have a really busy year irl, with moving to australia which has caused my gaming time to diminish as ive tried to keep you informed of over the months. I have still been grinding and have achieved maxed - prayer on my account, and have been building the bank up doing little shit money makers a long the way! Hope everyone is well and doing well and every one has a great Christmas ill try and be playing during the deadman season however its currently 37 degrees outside and the beach is looking rather good! I also have a question a player named juiiiccce or however it was has been contacting me in game? What clan was that name associated to? As im not sure if it was here or sv, or another clan that used that name in a mass name change can someone please advise? so if it is sv i can kindly tell them to fuck off Ryan
  6. which clan had the name juicccce? Can't remember and have someone who is contacting me by that name? 

  7. was a great trip! bank was made! You can see me dragging the two that ran.. tanking for days!
  8. don't even start with this rip 99cooking! ive just finished getting 99 cooking again and got back to 80 mage! can finally go pking again!
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