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Everything posted by badskull2000

  1. grinding nmz right now... gonna get defence for now to about 75, attack to 80 and i will train strength until 90, then even it out eventually when i have the time i actually just calculated that 80 attack 90 str and 75 defence will get me to cb 100, which means I've got a lot more training to do after the fact...
  2. heres my stats: Lost like 1m+ last night in our fight with 420 and I kinda want to gain it back eventually.. but ye
  3. It was fun.. besides the part where I died like 4-5 times and lost 1m+ worth of gear lol
  4. no but in all seriousness i can get it done it'll be pretty cheap too
  5. call me a nub but when i first read the topic i thought it said Pokestars (pokemon) and not poker l o l
  6. make an offer ill get it done no later than a week
  7. too lazy to click a couple times to format ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. gl matey we all know what my comment was for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),
  9. except the rates in regular dmm dont decrease after level 50
  10. I have 68 range or something.. it would be cool to go back to it but im broke and definitely not swapping on top of it there is people with acbs and shit so i dont know
  11. for those confused no mans sky is a game coming out that is one/probably the largest to date featuring entire solar systems etc... heres a link for more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Man's_Sky He means that we would never meet as we would spawn on different planets far far away from each other
  12. ive been around for a while and have been active on both ts3 and forums and for you to not hear of me is odd.
  13. if u read the other parts of this post you'd know i dont have the money/gear for nmz
  14. I'm just too broke to afford anything else anymore.. trying to do my greater demon task atm is like hell l-o-l
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