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Everything posted by badskull2000

  1. i'm already in top 2k but if you have shit still... Ill take it
  2. http://imgur.com/OGKurTE skip to 50:40 if you want to relive the moment L0L
  3. cant wait until 110 cb where i can come on these trips and fuck some kids up
  4. atleast you get positive replies, when i said shit like this trollteam always shits on me lmao
  5. I'm in fam.. Rank 1,816 or something like that. It updates every once and a while.
  6. Found this lit new gif... resized it... now its a lit profile picture.
  7. im confused whats the picture/caption have to do with the title?
  8. Most people have already forgotten about me due to my recent absence but little does that matter. I've been grinding for a while and I've finally achieved level 80 in all 3 stats of Attack, Strength and Defence... http://prntscr.com/ca2rx3 However I'm only 99 combat. Which means back to NMZ/training for 11 more combat levels.. which if my calculations are correct it will take most of my melee stats + hp to be 90.. if not more. Yipee. Leveling aside, I haven't quite been active in the community because of recent events that I will not disclose, and I unfortunately do not plan to be really active until I hit around 110 combat due to the lack of need of myself in the clan at the moment. Shit, I know that most of you don't even care why are you still reading? Kappa
  9. Theres two reasons I'm willing to help others; 1. I want to help people in the community that do not have the experience/money to do the quests themselves- 2. I need to also make some sort of money to ASSIST myself in getting my combat up.. etc. I do it for cheap because I know the feeling of people who can't pay the amounts that people charge through sites like sythe (which are outrageous) And my ingane name happens to be AC Island Hope that answers your questions
  10. I apologize for having a life and a job and can't dedicate my life to my computer. The only reason I'm still an Intro is because I have yet to get my combat level up. Other than that there was really nothing standing in my way. Good try though
  11. If you can get all the quests that you need between the pre reqs and the main quests and send them in a list in my PM I could look into the pricing. I'm willing to adjust based on your wealth because I know what its like when you dont have much money.
  12. I assure anyone that I will not scam for that will damage my reputation. However--- I'm still waiting on your response
  13. im not going to scam anyone. Once I start doing it for people I could probably get vouches etc.. I would hope atleast
  14. Basically I can do them very cheap as long as you have the requirements and everything that you need in inv/bank Idk if this is against clan guidelines.. I poked sp33dy20 but no reply so either someone tell me down below or someone take it down and ill know lol
  15. hold up "new" i mean you got 99 str and shit whats your damn secret
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