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Everything posted by Teegious

  1. Not been around much the past week or so due to moving house, I should have internet sorted by monday (No more tethering) which means i should be back to lurking in the TS Hope this hasn't affected my application too much!
  2. I haven't had a single zulrah drop in 200KC >.> Im salty
  3. That story flowed really well, 10/10 would read again. Nice loot too
  4. Im stuck on my current master, currently grinding 83 herblore for a botanical pie boost to 87!
  5. He tried jump me at venenatis a few days back, dropped one of his team in 2 hits and he off'd me saying oh crap you're in AC
  6. Found this guy fire bolting lava dragons, His key came to about 200k to add to this juicy loot
  7. This is one of my favorites atm
  8. I had a 250k key but thats been my best so far
  9. Jesus! I thought i was bad at 60% favour
  10. Niceeeee, Hopefully ill be there for the next one
  11. The best tip i could give you is to put your house in poli ( 20 con req), Take a stam and bolt it towards the temple, have your spellbook over (Or inventory if carrying a tab) and the minute you see a white dot just get outta there, not working risking the death..
  12. If you figure out the flip prices of an item, just put the lowball offer in and give it time.. I have stuff banked to train skills while im waiting on offers to complete
  13. I killed the lizardmen the other night, i think i was around 47% favour when i got the drop ^^!
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