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  1. Sorry guys I don't really like to reveal where I pk because it'll dry up the popularity of the areas. Thanks to everyone btw!
  2. Also got a D long, rune scim, rune long, and full addy + a bunch of runes
  3. The salt is real. Doesn't say anything about other clans
  4. It took ten hours of grinding for drag def from rune. By that I mean between rune and drag def, I spent 10 hours killing the basement cyclops and finally got it
  5. Ancients grind is always worth my friend. Too bad I never do it :/
  6. EYYYYYYYYYY LETS GO MAN! Bank loot for us both Loot from my two keys! Pics: https://gyazo.com/4077dfedd841eaba96abc05f5cd0d931
  7. Thanks you guys! Pking is so fun rn
  8. Yeah man people are really getting stuff done much faster. I think the seasons and invitationals just give people more "practice" at starting from zero. Therefore, everyone is bound to get better and do things more efficiently.
  9. So I didn't sleep the first day and I checked high scores to discover I was rank 2 attack. I was right under the man, the myth, the legend, Iron Hyger. Pic: https://gyazo.com/e1104b61d60168022d8564bf79582c5d
  10. Damn son! just got my drag defender today! Good luck pking
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