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About CommonWeaith

  • Birthday 02/10/1994

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  1. Good shit fam, next trip is bank loot. Can't wait
  2. Did my first PK trip today with Razard and it went much better than expected. We expected to kill a few ranger or mage pures for dhide sets and runes but check it out... The rune plate legs I'm wearing were from a kill, not pictures is a dlong and dds in razards inventory, and of course the 4 keys which will be updated soon. Edit: update with bank keys, not the BEST but decent, seeds threw me off maybe they will sell for something Edit 2: razards keys
  3. That's crazy, you planning on getting up to high enough smithing for rune?
  4. warrios guild still pretty safe, better hurry your ass up though.
  5. Nice, and those keys are actually good, laws will sell for more than that too.
  6. Good content, not my music taste and volumes are little loud. Overall good pk vid keep it up.
  7. Surprised you made that much cash from skilling, not bad.
  8. Grats, wish i knew MM well enough to speed run it. TIP Dlong life.
  9. I honestly haven't noticed it much, i still spec switch off with my buddy pretty easily.
  10. I got my d defender last night, just woke up this morning from first sleep since start. Zzzz
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