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  1. 1st step kill urself 2nd step make a dds or msb suicider kill people and mule items 3rd step get ban from AC because u didnt put in levels to help us fight other clans
  2. Currently my laptop's specs, whats urs? 8 core i7 solid state 120gb radon 7700 20 gb ram Quick tip.... if you wanna be a pro gamer on a budget buy a 1060 nvida its 250$ runs 4k games at 60 fps
  3. Don't worry I deal with this and I'm still here cause immature people have power
  4. Dont know if I want to bury lava bones or use a alter if I could with dbones for 43 pray nvm found nice person w330 he even had restore run for my nooby ass
  5. nah kid I had 3 herb patches, plus I had to log cause a max mage was camping me 1v1 me os scape pussy
  6. thats something you would do if u got kicked
  7. Does anyone have a spare tourney alt I can use, I lost my spot by 2 levels I would have gotten from 3 ready to pick herb patches pm me
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