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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Went out for awhile after we did some rev pking,Went out to check some demon spawn looking for free loot finding multiple kids in good risk ton of bloods,even got 60k fire rune and 40k air off a kid lol
  2. I did thieving was great money to swap over.Soon as you can get the Thieving armour get it double the coin.the guy i was doing it with made over 150m 07
  3. Did some Pking earlier at demon location killing people for their gear and runes.Running into small team which was free loot.After taking a break we decided to go anti-pk at revs killing revs and pvmers/pkers.
  4. why did you have to spam the fourms with 5 other post of the same thing...
  5. We massed up,going out ballista pking killing everyone whose out in rev caves.Getting tons of loot
  6. Decided to mass up some men to check rev caves for some loot,hopping around finding different random teams and clans out.Taking some plus ones off people including a guy from Fools in a Infernal Cape.Losing it above 32 Wilderness.Clearing up the Pvmers as well. First picture guy losing it. NAME:Coronel
  7. Revenant caves was Released today,we massed up to hit up the cave taking multiple plus one's off different teams.Dropping a youtuber(seerz)who had no chance against AC claws was also pk'd This morning
  8. Shout out to my Boy ~(Skurger) twisted bow~Lets raid boys~
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