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Everything posted by OSRSSam

  1. Just an FYI they had a friend hack my Skype, unblock themselves, and fake proof. I'm already kicked so I won't get into it though
  2. So I guess if somebody who isn't in the clan claims that I scammed him, I show Adamant proof of payments I sent him, I get banned. RIP.
  3. wyd here OP: talk faster. nice vid tho bout time
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/5783xw/dmm_ac_kills_fe_dubbz_for_bank/ upvote
  5. leave a like k ty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r57QVw9unYg
  6. same i'm going out of town from 5am tomorrow till sunday night :L :L :l
  7. heard the first one only sold for 7m
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