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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Inb4urdad

  1. #AC Good job guys, hope to be on the next one!
  2. oh common your here man! come on ts and talk to me dude!
  3. Going to put my hand up to try and organise this group quest, I've talked to atleast 7 members and we are all waiting to do monkey madness as a group. I will be afking in the music channel so whoever is keen to do monkeymadness comment here or message me on teamspeak. want to get it done today!
  4. hey i heard from perri i think it was that we may have someone livestream with a delay of the tourny? if so can we get a twitch name?
  5. Comment on ac's video of kill him https://gyazo.com/675d41483c8b7dc762878e1d5a287d40 can't wait till seasonal, happily will 1v1 you b0aty
  6. fudge real life threated me after i asked him on a kebab date
  7. i've tried to join twice and have been kicked from dropping ink, can someone explain?
  8. Woox's rpg- chickens is so much more effecient
  9. I have so many ideas just don't know wich path to take so im waiting for some ac member to be like Yo we doing this.
  10. oh wow you committed to doing it! good job man
  11. im keen to do either of these routes with you and im sure my friends are aswell, you should check out my post to see my stratergy of the range way, but i am thinking about eventually doing ibans for barrows,
  12. I'm not going to slave away for natures to alch for 94 mage when I do dt I'll mix it up with lava dragons and other Mage pvming because at the normal price of like 300-350 a nature rune I don't want to be buying 77.7k nature runes ? my stratergy at the moment is to rush 70 agility with 3close mates who have just joined AC with me, we have a designated person to do death to dorg to supply us with our bolts, and camp blue dragons to atleast 52 pray 80 range 60 def we want to be the first to blue drags cave and the highest range tanks, I will be running a alt fisher also and jakee will be running a alternate crafter! And the other 2 will just be ranging blue drags, we hope to supply the clan with blue drag sets early on! After we've met our level goal our plan is to move onto Melee! And one of us will do dt. Eventually we will all level out and camp slayer! We will be stopping for the clan ok trips and our own, small group ok trips, i myself have no life but don't want to be getting ahead of the other 3 so I will be training or doing quests on my alt I plan on going hard this seasonal I have never been able to play any gsme on release and I'm in between jobs so Nows my chance! if anyone would like to tag along or have any tips for us please comment I want everyone to be crystal before season start! im up for any ideas! But I would love to do what majority of the clan is doing as a new member I just need guidance ❤️
  13. lolol did you drop the #AC on his forehead?
  14. really up to idea's im on teamspeak every day but everyones in tourny mode, if anyone out there isn't tourney mode and can jump on teamspeak and listen to my ideas and tell me if im stupid or not? much appreciated :')
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