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  1. was that supposed to be funny? you dirty fucking spic the only ass ill grab is ur mothers, im not sure if you know this but she works around the corner in ur dirty ass mexican hood 5 times a week intensively sucking cock so you can buy p2p and play 07 and to feed ur staking addiction dont even run ur mouth you fucking downie
  2. arent u that faggot that sounds like ur dad always tickles ur ear with his cock when you speak? you insecure faggot lmfao, u post pictures of ur sister in this forums acting as if that is ur Gf, cos u get bullied irl and youre socially akward so you compensate ur shitty real life, on internet by showing pics of ur sis and acting like thats ur gf . str8 up cringing kid, i would pisso on ur face irl, literally. Also ur in a pure clan, ew lmfao. fuck outta my thread retard
  3. it took 30 secs, was worth uve been here, sucking cock since forever and yet look at ur rank lmfao, ur sister is probs getting fucked by a paki as we speak in ur beautiful and welcoming country swedistan
  4. the shotgun ur holding in ur fb picture btw weighs more than you u fucking hunch back ugly crooked yellow teeth ass redneck lol, dont even run ur mouth wheelie and all you other beta males licking wheelies cock tip in hope for a promotion keep doing u, u filthy fucking animals lol, suckup at its finest, THE ONLY ONE IN AC THAT DESERVES A PROMOTION IS THE ALPHA MALE King tha fucking great
  5. Someone in ac that actually has a functional brain, now i dont get why this guy is a member and the retard above you is a moderator
  6. both me and you know the "always win" is a Rot tag but ok
  7. im not crying, im just stating the obvious lol cmon, you guys are better than this. To kill someone in wildy when hes fucking killing lava dragons with 3 items literally 5k risk is one thing, but to kill them and rub it on their face by saying #ac wins is just sad tbh, like its not something to be proud of for christ sakes lol, its like punching a disabled child and saying #ac wins again, "retard sit" "lmfao dumbass" etc etc, u think ur promoting ur clan by doing that but it just makes it worse, just a tip u can use in the future.
  8. i dont get why you are such fanboys and steal tags such as "always wins" from rot lol cmon.. also why are u proud over killing this innocent man when hes unskulled defenceless getting elite clues with 5k risk, dissapointment tbh.
  9. meh not impressive, how did you make decent bank when theres not a single +1 smh but just basically rag gear
  10. thank god you killed that spastic lol, gj.
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