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  1. Sorry for the spam guys the picture wasn't showing up for me kek will attempt to delete
  2. DMM SEASONAL Just getting my stats and and I can basically wear anything I want to at this point, and I haven't left safe zones in a few days due to training and just teleporting everywhere I've accumulated a decent cash stack and bought 2 gmauls for my deposit box, but I will be using one for pking aswell. I just bought dlegs and have a fair bit left. Should I sell the other maul for mystics and ancient staff or buy other stuff? I'm currently basically 70 all cmb stats and 85 combat (about to hit 86) ideas? Also, tips on doing DT and tips in general?
  3. jesus fucking christ http://2static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Fj+and+traps_6202a0_5857265.jpg
  4. good loot, keep inside clan and don't sell gz mate
  5. Probably a longshot but ill take the account lol
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