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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Merked_Max

  1. That is huge, going to be strong on that final hour
  2. What a day for AC. Not surprised to see this at all
  3. RIPPP, He didn't pk for long. AC out and instant dropped
  4. Instant dropped and very nice key overall too! Lets go
  5. Fun little trip. SV always easy clear
  6. Fun and crazy long fight, Good job fellas
  7. Finally some luck for King at them gorillas! Lets go
  8. Will be nice to have base 80s. You got it, so many attack pots though
  9. Hey maybe being so dry on those gorilla drops was for a reason! Grats man
  10. Share I was there for this. In spirit and theory
  11. Looks like a great trip overall. Nice job!
  12. Nice dmm gains for sure. Your account alone is beast as hell
  13. Not bad at all. I have a tab on my pure from fishing only lol. Clue tabs are fun
  14. You know he was sad. Not bad loot at all
  15. Sooo many Staffs. Looks like some nice loots fellas
  16. Haha nice vid. Cleared to a whole new level
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