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  1. I personally would do it through slayer
  2. Looks like fun, must get involved some night,
  3. Yeah I couldn't imagine playing on my phone is the only thing. Have the new Samsung S7 as well, a tablet maybe but a small screen and fingers would be difficult surely. One thing is for sure, if they did expand to mobile the player base would grow.
  4. In regards to the mobile question, I was thinking maybe it would be like the G.E on your phone, the same as they have on RS3.
  5. Always sounded dodgy to be fair, I wouldn't have went there skulled.
  6. Coming up to the tournament what do you think the rates will be? Will probably be a lot of players trying to make top 2k right at the end so will be swapping 07 gp over. Could be a good way to make bank if you gathered a ton of SDMM gp waiting for it to happen.
  7. Just finished a trip, got up to black. There were a few PKers about but managed to escape each time thankfully.
  8. 3am EST doesn't suit me unfortunately but if it suits everyone else go ahead without me.
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