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Everything posted by Killa

  1. I have like 500k bank and got my dscim last night.
  2. Alright bout to hop on and start grinding lmao
  3. Just finished wrote my last final today and realised dmm seasonal starts today. How much progress has everyone made in the past 3-4 hours? How far behind am I xD?
  4. Maybe I can finally compete with the greasy neckbeards lmao
  5. I got back to back rune full helms on a greater demon task once, beat that.
  6. Gj boys. Wish I had time to play rs these days haha.
  7. Super rip, hopefully i don't get banned for buying 20m kappa
  8. Most likely tourney's gunna be right in the middle of exam season so I won't even be able to play smh
  9. I'm actually so salty that I sat here and watched this and didn't even get to see you die
  10. I enjoyed every second of it. Sand in my toes. My dick in the hoes. Drank my face off. Really made me appreciate life and everyone in my life in general. I was so glad to be disconnected from the internet and my phone. This trip really made me reconsider some things in my life such as my habbits and all that. I've decided to quit RS. I would just like to thank everyone because the short amount of time I spent with you guys on teamspeak and during pk trips was the best time of my RS career. That being said, I hope that if one day I do decide to come back you guys will reconsider my application (I honestly hope I don't ever come back :/ to RS ). I would do a giveaway but I don't have much lol. Thank you guys for everything and I hope you understand <3.
  11. 1) Who gives a fuck if people are talking shit? 2)He's not even an intro yet. 3) TRYING to join is different then joining. You aren't in until you are in. 4) Finally, nobody here knows him. So why on earth would we believe him if he said he was trying to join? You realise anyone could join the open cc and pretend like they're joining when being attacked. It takes 5 minutes to get 10 post count and make an intro.
  12. Damn I woulda gave you it but I sold it in g.e for 50k rip
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