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matt daplug

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Everything posted by matt daplug

  1. what? lol i tihnk u got the wrong person
  2. too bad your bottle neck azz got no game
  3. was a great turnout boys, looking forward for another!
  4. Went out on a cold Thursday night to pk, ran into AF didnt take long until we cleared them out. soon after clearing AF we ran into DI after a swift and easy fight we ran them down to Dwarfs and cleared them out one by one. GF AF GF DI
  5. so we went out on a little pk trip, thirsty for a scrap we ran into TUF. Wasn't long until we cleared TUF, so they stop'ed returning in gear... still they couldn't keep up so they called in WOLVES for help, after a long fight we cleared them out and left because they started 1 iteming... but thanks for the fight GF TUF GF WOLVES
  6. * Don't be shy to put something in my pocket once in awhile *
  7. why woudlnt we get that when we went lmfao hahaha good shit though my man!
  8. i love ac because we are all equally retarded and pk as a family! we are #1 FEARED clan in the world of Gelinor! and cant forgot about our disabled commander in chief Bradly!!! #AC #1 #867
  9. Went out on a little Friday night trip looking for some action in the place they call the wilderness. We quickly bumped into Rev at GDZ and the fight began. We held our own against them going from pile to pile and quickly banging them out. However, they quickly gained and we were soon fighting 2v1. We decided to go ahead and keep fighting appreciating the clean action and being blood thirsty ourselves. After about 45 minutes of fighting we decided to call it seeing as we were heavily outnumbered. We did really well boys when we were fighting even opts but we'll take any clean action we can get. Thanks for the fight rev, hope to do it again sometime. #AC
  10. nigga looks like a peeled mr.potato
  11. this SV member was talking about how bad AC and then this happened....
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