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  1. Wow I gotta do this soon this is makin me nervous, shoulda gotten this early X.X
  2. Yeah when I would like to join if I can
  3. Those are some tasty screenies, keep making that bank, wildy pking is badass
  4. wow sorry dude deaths suck. give it some time have fun suiciding
  5. wow nj get that bank loot!
  6. Nice pk man i love prayer pots god loots.
  7. Damn nice snag ill be going there soon. Easy ass escape too!!
  8. That is a sexy double chest, and in seasonal woow sick
  9. Im down for if i can getting torso and defenders that would be sick, I've got the others already.
  10. That blows dude. What a weird cause of ban lol.
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