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Bmc's Achievements

  1. defender is next to impossible either way, but 60 is nice and it doesnt take much time anyways with 5x exp
  2. dont tp to burthrope, just walk along the wall. it's much safer.
  3. theres plenty of places, just have to think outside the box a little
  4. can't wait to train up to a point where I can pk keys like this
  5. damn, That's about where I am and I haven't even died much yet. that's what I get for starting 3 days late I guess.
  6. Blue dragons might be good if you get 70 agility
  7. honeslty I'd just buy a few dragon bones and risk a gilded alter in rellakka. anyone know any hosts?
  8. outside of fally is free loot as well all the time.
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