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Holy DeadZar

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Holy DeadZar's Achievements

  1. Hey guys, haven't been around on DMM/osrs for a long time, used to play back in the early seasons. Current Rsn: AC Holy Previous Rsn: Zarrithis, Holy DeadZar, AC Holy Location & Timezone: UK (BST - GMT+1) About Yourself: 23 years old, finished uni doing Aero Eng, been getting back into OSRS recently and jumped back on the DMM hype, fairly chill guy and active on discords most of the time. How many Hrs a day you play: 6-10 Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: Used to run with you guys a long time ago and it was the most fun I've had on the game, would be good to get back into it! How did you hear about us?: Adamant/Speedy/others a long time ago. Have you played DMM Before? Yes, a lot of experience from older seasons but catching up with the new metas and mechanics fairly fast. List all names you had in DMM: Zarrithis, Holy DeadZar, AC Holy Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: Used to know a fair few people but it's been years since I've played so not too familiar with names anymore.
  2. Got through it solo today, up for teaming DT if you're doing that after though
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