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Anadrol Rage

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Everything posted by Anadrol Rage

  1. get 71 agi for tvverly dungeon man or buy d bones
  2. its like 3 months, u have alot of time!
  3. meeeh get 50 i guess. We dont know the numbers of how defence works, but getting 50 def is fast n ez
  4. thats deeep bro! I feel like i can move a mountain now!!!
  5. Im out eating a buffe bro, blow up hindenburg style
  6. holla holla, making bank ! was going good the first day myself
  8. would have joined if ihavent already done dt and animal, lost city. Gonna make a group on ts for Neitz helmet. Add Anadrol Rage, we are already 2 guys.
  9. dude, deeep in the wild, lik eiin no where man or depe in canifis. if u can get there
  10. what a fag man, was he a long tim ers friend?
  11. Holy fuck ! cant wait to pk with u bois Im lucky if get those keys solo pk, just getting pjed off
  12. Gotta do waht you gotta do to surive man!
  13. https://gyazo.com/b2ef21c184905d0a74ba5da95df31bf8
  14. lol i used to be like that when i was younger. playing rs was embarassing, but fk it gotta get the xp man
  15. always need dedicated players in a team, see u in ts3
  16. they should def add clan tag to deadman mode
  17. NO, not using a mule, just a money making acc https://gyazo.com/770ebf43dec3f0fe3116a6012bc82793
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