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Stoned Ape

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Stoned Ape

  1. The seeds strike again! Kimbo I didnt know you were such a wordsmith ^^
  2. lol and they came out to die again poor kids
  3. gj that motherfucker has been on zeah judging by his rock shell items and black claws
  4. Just some loot from pking today turns out there are still people to kill in the wilderness #acwinsagain
  5. nice boys, who's rolling around at lavas with dharoks?? That confidence!
  6. bro for a second i thought this was seasonals i was like wtfffff you got bank
  7. LOL me neither, just trying to figure out wtf this is
  8. bro, i don't think its safe to have that many tabs open up on such a small machine it might explode!
  9. There is something that has been idling in the back of my mind lately, even more so because of the amount of hours I have put into deadman lately. Which is really just a small digital world I navigate through with people who's voices I hear. What is base reality and simulation theory? Simulation theory is the theory that our current reality or universe we occupy on earth is actually just a simulation created by an advanced race or even super computer (could be god even for the religo's). Base reality is the idea that we are the first cognitive race ever to exist and that we are apart of the generation with the first concept of conscious thought and the foundation upon which all future simulations are built. Elon Musk (Founder and CEO of Tesla) has always speculated that we don't live in base reality and vaguely danced around the issue. But recently blatantly stated in an interview that there is a 1/1000000000th (compare that to elysian drop rates) chance that we live in base reality and that this isn't a simulation and that motherfucker sent a rocket into space and is trying to set up ubers to mars so his words carry some weight. His primary argument that we do not live in base reality which really hits home with me as a gamer is, if you look at the progress in which games have been developed with now the occulus rift and other VR technologies coming out. Even if the progress slows down by a factor of one thousand technology will be able to replicate our own reality so well for a game that it will indistinguishable from our current reality withint 100 years. If that is indeed the case then the odds of that it has not already happened in the billions of years that the world has existed are indeed extremely small. Any thoughts on this? Am very open for discussion about this on TS also for those who are interested.
  10. lol you actually did this, i thought you were joking on ts. Crackup
  11. days of neutral alching are pretty done unfortunately, fletch/alch or just cop the cost of alching.. 82 mage in 1 day easy. But yeah, agility and alching is a good strategy for those escapes
  12. he won't need anymore salt with his pepper ^^
  13. everyone is getting rare af drops left right and center on sdmm, gz lol
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