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Stoned Ape

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Everything posted by Stoned Ape

  1. I expect to see moseyjr f2p ultimate ironman made and higher level total level than me in 3 weeks in tribute Congrats as well mate
  2. Richiieeeeeeeee!!! where are our opts?!?!!? That bank loot
  3. This seems to be the appropriate thread for #postcountpost I'm coming for your spot
  4. L2embed your photos gadaym grats noob
  5. You now get to party with harambe in Valhalla. rip minimash
  6. #cutforharambe nahhh it's not like that yo it's glue from strapping my knee
  7. TL;DR lol jokes it's a thought in the right direction just needs to be fine tuned to suit all of b0atys needs as a solo player
  8. you are inspiriation to us all and by us all i mean the rest of us plebs not yet 110
  9. bro @Killa your idea actually went through!! Sick idea to carry stats through to tournament lets get that 10k boooys
  10. Lol how bullshit is there post on zybez... They come up in rag... Then accuse us of ragging after we clear them P .s @GIGGS you're my idol
  11. worth every set, because i know ct lost twice as many
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