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Stoned Ape

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Everything posted by Stoned Ape

  1. This bitches 6 hour immunity ran out and she left the safe zone talking smack nah for real though chicks think they have this blanket right to physically assault people because they can't do much damage. The last time my girlfriend hit me out of frustration I put her in a kimura and calmly reminded her that one I can fuck her up physically and that it is at my choice and discretion that I don't. This message needs to be put out there that is at men's discretion that we DONT fuck them up not that we SHOULDNT based on their bullshit behaviour. As a man I couldn't walk onto someone's property behave like that and not expect an aggressive reaction.
  2. Need to edit the video for all the kids that want to play league of legends in the "what game do we play" segment
  3. Id recommend try bein more active on team speak and getting to know the people in the clan, or else see you in 27 brah
  4. Hey guys, Just letting everyone know I'm going to be missing probably most of the events over the next couple of weeks. I need to put a bit more focus into irl, I just landed a pretty big contract so when I do return I'll have some $$ to buy gp and stock up on sets. When I can find time to get online I will primarily be grinding up my combat stats and trying to make gp for a solid set tab instead of burning through it every pk trip and rebuilding instead of training. So i probably won't be pking or on sdmm. I'll still pop onto ts when I'm on my laptop.. but yeah I'm not going to be on during the day (est nights) much. Sweet.
  5. Frothing on this update finally listening to the deadman community instead of fucking b0aty.. still guna rush dt pre reqs to have them on release
  6. Dead botting always pays his leaks, except for this time rip
  7. Wtf I killed these fuckers for 2 and a half days straight, walked out with curry and 12 soul runes.. yeah ah won't be online anymore boys guna go kill myself
  8. They are the same person how do you divorce yourself?
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