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Old School
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Everything posted by Jim

  1. cleared twice and then they 1item gf 420 gf jeff time to close and reopen in 5 more months
  2. missed out looks like a feast good shit boys for the people who barley return thumbs down buy ur sets n return n stock up on spears is a must!
  3. funny that it turned into a 1item fight they allways do that grats boys on are win the people who stayed for the whole fight even when they started 1iteming us ac wins again
  4. free money@@@ i love when 420 comes out free sets all day lol
  5. ya buddy clearing dots like it aint nothing if you aint with us your against us AC all the way live and die with my brothas good returning boys and good i notice every 1 brought spears make sure u allways got 5-10 spears at all time spears is what gives us the kill power hell ya my niggas to the end ------jim6589
  6. feasted had fun 1st war in months was awesome to pk again
  7. i dont think he should be in a.c the way i heard him talk even saying i dont cared if i get kicked i really dont see him helping this community at all disrespectfull lil kid who lives with there parents.....
  8. feasted boys cleaning up the trash at night nothing to it lets keep up the owning
  9. been working like a motha fucka havent really been on i come to some fights but i can mainly only atend sat-sunday events=[
  10. http://http://ac+eos late night pking i teled to gdz to rg with eos and seen a lvl 92 and killed him for 18.4m cash ( gave 4 m to 4 eos members for scouting the world)
  11. short fight but was fun ty for fight af n the extra sets:)
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