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Everything posted by Montes

  1. awh man. that's a bummer. best to do it during the week or early morning
  2. just did heroes today in ts, so much safer
  3. Nice man, you make me scared to go on my regular
  4. at least i can go afk now without having to worry
  5. https://gyazo.com/2a4abcd16d2c627c8caeebe85b60c4f0 school is exp block
  6. Almost happened to me, but I re-logged to be sure
  7. very nice. that str gonna help with some ko's
  8. A Friend made a video about it, it's been in dmm since release
  9. Keep it up man! do whatcha gotta do.
  10. This is when I lost all of my runescape luck
  11. We had a group of about 10 playing online tonight, was a lot of fun. There should be a ts room dedicated to it. makes the grinding easier!
  12. Maybe, I was a big hearthstone guy. I'll check it out sometime.
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