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Everything posted by coone

  1. thanks again guys, my luck at corp is sick
  2. Got ely on 33 KC and that was gotten on 466 by a friend of mine
  3. thanks guys, 71 strength now so its going good
  4. Not the best melee exp but great for prayer and easier than lavas as im only melee stats atm
  5. currently killing green dragons for prayer exp, keeping the hides too sell on for extra supplys to keep me going, 66 strength now and 41 prayer, good thing that green dragons are my slayer task as well
  6. I've Had a few spectrals and arcanes, one of the arcanes here from a while back, *thats not me with the ardy cloak haha*
  7. probably what I'll do, It's just tempting when you see a guy risking bonk and you could rambo him >.<
  8. I'm at like 900 kc atm, around that anyways been corping a long ass time
  9. Yeah, trying to gather big bones for the prayer and boosting strength now
  10. yeah man, had a lot more sigils other that as well
  11. d long/dds and a lot of food and pk supplies. should i go for strength too 70 before i pk?
  12. my gainz on seasonal are beast, dds d long gained so on to a good run at the minute.
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