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AC Luffy

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Everything posted by AC Luffy

  1. Barrows is sketch. Dont go solo cuz clans camp that.
  2. Anyone wanna bronze dagger 210k? If woox can solo bandos with that shit, must be op
  3. I assume this post is to boost that post count? xD
  4. I died yesterday to od... I dropped to 41 pray. Im doong hw so i wanna get pray in safezone. Any monsters in safezone that drops big bones? Not using telegrab
  5. Alright so yesterday morning, i was 82 combat. I logged on tofay and was 60 combat. In 24 hours, i died twice skulled And 5 times unskulled. Had nothing but untradeables but managed. I had 25 pray, so i was limited to where i can train. As of now, i am 76 combat and roughly 250k. I lost motivation to play, but i realized that i was still ahead of alot of people. dedication>motivation
  6. So far, ive been to chaos druids, gaurds, terrorbirds, and moss giants. Chaos druids and terrorbirds are crowded as fk. Miss giants have pkers coming by from time to time, and gaurds are crowded as well. I was debating rock crabs because i could be attked and I assume it is crowded as much as the other places.
  7. At the time, i am 60/49/46. I rushed 60 attack for d scim and dds for improved xp per hour. I was thinking about getting defence after 65/65 but someone else debated that because i had prayer, def would be unnecessary until later into the seasonals. Can i get some opinions?
  8. I have 39 str 48 attk and finally got my rune scimmy drop last night. What is a relatively safe training place?
  9. So earlier today, a group of 15 of us did MM together. It took us roughly 2-3 hours because we had a few people dying cuz lack of 43 prayer. Because of the time management of people banking slowly, a few of us decided to finish the quest on their on impatiently. This threw must of us off track and made a fee of us salty. My point is, i think we should have smaller quest groups and a little more organization when we do so. At least we got Mm over with. #frustration
  10. I always hear people on ts complaining about lack of places to buy runes. Pest control and ape atoll seems to always be stocked entirely. The places are less known.
  11. Im going to start off with bae range ans mage, but im lacking on bone bolts. Ill be in the teamspeak as "Luffy". I needa buy some
  12. Idk if i wanna go mage/range or mage/melee i was thinking all 3 as a long term goal but for now, what should i build on my acc?
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