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r onyx

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Everything posted by r onyx

  1. yeah man bring splash setup remember auto retaliate and pray meele
  2. ouch, camping lummy trees lmaoooo X D
  3. DAMN SON. thats huge!!!! did u see mankedupmage and pure spam with their team pk max mage at multi just north of Shantay?
  4. nice man, one of the first few in the game!!!
  5. bank stand. pm me ingame ill help u out - r onyx, not gonna post on a public forum
  6. yeah would be worth looking into but I think that you'd need way to many people as most people who play dmm are in clans and a team of 20+ would be sure to come frequently if they knew you were there.
  7. for a week so its 7x8= 56 hours..... no xp waste grinding yeah man mainly non combat skills that i can do in safezones thanks
  8. Yeah sounds frustrating I'm sure that people in ts would be down to grind it out/ clear them and do it
  9. Right so I just got back from holiday which was great. I'm so far behind on seasonal and I have exams coming up this summer. I think i'm going to quit seasonals but I want to play the tourney at the end. I'm planning to play like 8 hours a day for the last week of seasonals and grind skills so I have the total level to be in the top 5000. Anyone think this is a bad/good ideas and got any tips?
  10. unlucky bro, not much you can do - rebuild and play safe. i find so many people take to many risks.
  11. i would do them in nieves slayer cave try sit furthest away from the tunnel (hide) or lure the kalphites close to the tunnel so u can escape
  12. 1 am can't sleep, better not have this shit before seasons begin ahah

  13. jamie was this for exams hahahahahah?
  14. what the fuck is this, you fucking gimp ahhahahahahahahahaha
  15. buzzing for seasonals.

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