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Ac Guest
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About Ark

  • Birthday 07/06/1997

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  1. Hello Peoples, long time no see. awhile back i quit Runescape and now have come to the conclusion that i wanted to sell my account. The account is completely clean i have been the only person on it and it has no offences. its fully quested has f capes, d defenders, void, and most easy/medium diary tasks. its near max so there is still a little bit of training left to do if you wanted to. I don't really know the price of Accounts so ill leave it open to offers via PM on the forums. left a little bit of cash and other stuff which i didn't feel like selling on the account including a bond. The Name is currently AC ark i would like it if you changed it once you buy the account. Thanks All and good luck!
  2. Don't think you can use a crystal saw on the pool :/
  3. https://www.malwarebytes.com i used this, its a strong anti malware system that got rid of everything though if you have been ratted you will need to start your computer in safe mode then run a Scan and removal software so that the rat cant just copy and past its self somewhere else on your PC.
  4. RUINED LVL 2 DEF your half way to 99 now, might as well get it
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. HAHAHAHHAAHA awww shit i knew you liked men ;0, its ok your secret is safe with me
  7. HAHAHAA you don't need to put 420 in the topic name, i could of told you it was 420 by them being lvl 90's and hearing the ting of steel kites
  8. Dam 420 shitlords tryharding to post fake endings is funny af #AC
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