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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Hunter_AC

  1. future reference, if you get this far in the fourms and cant find the teamspeak address, try searching teamspeak in the search bar people may not reply very fast..
  2. >.> ikik hahha i fuked up lol... its gonna be so hard to make money on this account since i cant but gp.. @Sp33dy20
  3. Well as u guys know, my main got perm. banned.. I'v made a new account and decided not to quit.... Cba to buy gp. So donations will be greatly appriciated!!!
  4. naw, we were all walking back up to callisto after they teled.
  5. im not mad about the zgs. its the fact not one fucking person would help.. lol Shows who you can trust.
  6. 3/12/16 Pk trip - ran into scrilla family. (my old clan) So we ran into sf and we made them dip out. I start walking back up in single strip. I walk up and see "Ba Balue" (one of sf's ddos'rs) I instantly get a huge lag spike and he attacks me. I told everyone in ts i was getting ddos'd and asked them to come help. I heard 2-3 people say i wasnt getting ddos'd. BUT what you guys dont know is my ts is on a different ip.. So i would get ddos'd off runescape but not teamspeak. Either way, if i was getting ddos'd or not. There was about 15 people close to me that could help. NO ONE EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT HELPING. So I lost "Da Best G's" ZGS.. Thanks for the help guys.. So if anyone asks for help in the wild. I will think twice about helping. Shit shouldnt happen, if someone needs help and theres 15+ of us close. You guys should react and come help.. G O O D F I G H T Z G S.
  7. st8 savages booiiiiiissss that was a fun trip. but i didnt get any loot... that bwasss was awesoem
  8. So recently everyone knows that I lost my bank staking. I told you guys im not quitting and i keep my word. I Went to zulrah and within 8 kills i got an unexpected drop. The rebuild is going to happen. I am going to have to camp zulrah for awhile. Please respect that im not going to be able to go on trips for awhile. Well heres my luck
  9. i died with mage and then pked it back lol. was a fun fight
  10. i made 0 money cause i was doing zulrah but nice job guys. we wud have pked 50 ags's if i was there.
  11. https://gyazo.com/97e7b74cd65969950ef5edbe58ccc7af #AC #1 #fuckbitches #getmoney #thuglige #hella #420blaze #snort.dat.soft
  12. #AC clearing them all. once and for all. me and my friends going through all the lands for once and all we are ALL.
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