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Everything posted by ScumBagio

  1. Do you play Dota 2 my dude?

  2. Yeah I know the idea may be tough, but I know it would be of huge benefit to the clan as well as people who need support in deadmanmode. Every AC member can act as a distributor for the public. It would start off at a very small scale, but I know we can even get to the point of making quest packages i.e. all required items for whatever quest deemed necessary in deadmanmode. That can also add a bit of extra gold in AC member pockets.. BOOST THE ECONOMY lol In the end, it's all just a dream
  3. I know that being a skiller is not what deadman is about, but that doesn't mean we don't need those skills.
  4. Hey guys I had a little idea in mind and I was wondering what others would think about it. We all know that DMM is dying, and it's honestly very sad to know that. But does this mean it has to die on us as well? I personally enjoy the 5x experience because it made the normal/impossible runescape, possible. Getting older, the thing we get less of is spare time. Most of us are working, or studying, or even busy with family. I just never have the time to grind like how I used to, so I see the 5x experience as a compensatory that regulates the Spare-time to Experience ratio we all need. But sadly because of the lack of trade, more and more items become ridiculously difficult to obtain. Being the greatest clan to still exist in DMM, I think we should create a grandexchange within the clan to maintain the growth and production of each and every clan mate. At the end of the day, we all want eachother to be at the top, so if we're able to harness a multi-bank system where there are generally speaking ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING (from corn seeds and wool etc.) we could save each other the pain of obtaining such items. I mean, after writing this out it kinda sounds like the forums market I believe we have, but I want to see if there is any way possible to sorta make an AC exclusive reserve where there is one (or multiple) accounts with items AC would stash in that is unnecessary for them at the moment, but possibly useful and required for others at the same time. Like for example, I could catch all types of imps and have sets of imp jars. Open them and there is a bunch of miscellaneous items, food equips etc. All that could be put together so that if someone needs a quest item or some seeds to skill farming or whatever, they won't need to spend 5 hours in world 45 talking to the same 20 people over and over. Let me know what you guys think, "and think BIG!" lol I got that from a kids show..
  5. I found Ice Posiedon today with my friend, and we started chanting "Ice Piss" together lol. He was skulled in lumbridge but had One Small Favor done, so he was able to get into the trapdoor beside the chickens. I got pretty salty about it but hey atleast I know where to find him if there is a next time haha
  6. Thanks mates! Much appreciated for the heart-warming responses! <3
  7. I was in lumbridge and the best thing, which later on became the worst thing, happened. I bumped into a noob training at men and women and I realized he left a ranarr on the floor. The first thing that came to mind was "why doesn't this noob collect the herbs?! that's bank he's missing out on.." But at that moment it hit me- I should pay this kid to work for me! So I talked with him and asked him to work for me, "What do I have to do?" said the noob. The thing is, they'll hardly ever say no in Deadmanmode because they want to be beast. If you look beast, offer to make them beast, there is no way to get rejected. I TOLD the kid to collect herbs for me, to not leave any behind, and in return I would gear him up. He was the happiest noob ever when I told him that, Lol. I set him up with a crossbow and bronze bolts and he was on the road to getting me a lot of herbs in no time. Every five minutes he gave me a bunch of herbs worth at least 10k, and me being a stingy, unethical, fiendmanmode driven capitalist, I would give him 2k at most. The noob however didn't see through me, in fact he said, and I quote word for word; "You turned my day from poo to rainbow". It was HILARIOUS and amazing! The noob didn't know what potential he had, he just liked giving herbs, and recieving anything. We went to the bank in the castle and I saw a few more noobs. This time I was Satan in the flesh and didn't even resist temptation. I asked one noob if he wanted to work for me, and explained how I would care for him. Before you know it, the surrounding noobs started firing questions about what they could do for ME. I felt so bad, but that was cloaked as an amazing feeling at the time. I was laughing at every moment. Getting ranarrs, dwarfs, avantoes and all the other random ones, I would set up noobs with gear just to get by and even grow in time. Steel and Mith was soon provided to my starter. The rest got miscellaneous junk from my bank. One mans trash is really another mans treasure! Then all of the sudden, crisis struck. My industry was growing, growing out of control. These noobs were asking about Varrock. I was going wild at this point. I had to manage 5 of them and tell each one to stay in safe zone and explain why! But that didn't stop them. Two of them came up to the bank to trade me and the saddest but also funniest thing happend. They misclicked. One by one they would come in to experience their first time ever dying to an explicable phenomena they have never known before, 1337 Guards. Like flies they dropped one by one... Before my eyes my once booming business took a huge toll. A couple seconds after one messages me to go to Varrock. In my head I was screaming "WHY?!?!" Why would a noob ever need to go to Varrock in the first place if I was supplying them. He didn't listen to me, and got killed the moment he stepped out of safezone, first blood lol. At that point I was 3 noobs down. 75% of my business and invesments (10k at best) went to rubbish. The last hope, my starter noob. It wasn't long before I started looking for him. He messaged me a few moments later saying: "I'm at Varrock." It's hard to explain how I felt because I was raging on so many levels lol. I advised him what to do and what stores were in Varrock, but he didn't know ANYTHING. I had to pack up, it was game over. Soon enough he messaged me, "I died". That was the end of my wild 30 minute monopoly. It was hilarious at the end, because I had already given up on the noobs. Before you know it, they all quit Deadmanmode. Pathetic, but who could blame them. I spoon fed them and they took it for granted in no time. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. My goal now is to find a noob that is coach-able, and rebuild the noob-exchange I enjoyed having. This time, I won't do the same mistake.
  8. I'm new to forums to be honest so it's gonna be a slow process before I get my intro done, I hope you guys got the patience! I'm also struck with a bit of insanity so expect everything and anything. THANKS FOR READING IF YA DID
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