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Everything posted by Couves

  1. Backstory: This guy has been trying to gain my trust for the whole last week, after I made an agreement with him that he'd not attack me at barrows for 1M cash payment, and that I'd scout for him there too. Some here might witness that I even questioned them on ts to wether i should take the offer or not, which most said yea why not, after all it's just 1m, and even if it's not legit it's worth the risk for all the loot i'm taking there. He became pretty friendly after that and I totaly thought i was chill with him a week time later. Me, the least naive person in the world of gaming as i thought i was up to this point, felt for this and I'm feeling so dumb and ashamed for it right now. And I'm pretty good at tanking to be frank, but brain gets frozen when you go all confident and totaly unprepared to tank. I doubt i would have reached the tunel alive even if i hadn't fucked up with the tanking part. Getting this stab just after being the whole week trying to reach top 20 on overall (was at 26th) is pretty harsh and I truly think i wont gather enough motivation to get back on it. Good luck with AC, cya in seasonals, don't be fooled like me and trust no motherfucker well known pker.
  2. ^because he was too far from it, some1 else would obviously get it first Free 5m how nice
  3. Didn't know there were still bank values like these in dmm, sick Oh is that an armadyl page 3??
  4. yea i'll eventually come back too
  5. It sure will die faster than normal dmm but will be fun af nonetheless
  6. Yes, only some emote 'wear this' challenge will hinder me from doing it
  7. I have my zammy one already full, so if any1's interested in a page 4 lmk
  8. First boss pet i see on dmm after zulrah
  9. Was the guthans set a mule or did you actually suicide a lvl90+ xd
  10. thought u were in dmm with 50m cashpile and 3k planks just like that lol
  11. Gz! How long did it take from 90?
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