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  1. been running around on my alt throughout the morning (of USA central time) and encountered one or two solo pkers (both 80s), and 3 teams of 2, 2 of which were 80s, one other 60s. moving about in 3s or more protects against all but maxed clans
  2. i've seen several people running to the back of the cages when the wolves spawn and attacking them from there rather than the much better place of btw ogre/wolves/bears. pretty sure those people are botters, and i've reported the ones that don't respond for more than 20 minutes while sprinting around the back of the cages then snap-attacking monsters the moment they spawn. i don't think jagex's bot-banner is catching people who bot at the ardy zoo or their bot bypasses jagex's anti-ban. i looked up several of the people who ran around like bots and their stats came up as huge range/mage xp, and low stats in everything else, including protected non-cb skills. anyway if you're in the area, just watch how people are moving and you can see for youself. nice job bibles
  3. i rec cutting the yews south of falador, i think the one to the southwest is very close to the gate -- bring gear and some food (43 pray helps) and you should be alright. if you're attacked, make sure you run inside the safe zone and curve back along the fally wall and not straight in, or you can get frozen a few squares in, and then damaged for another 15 seconds, whereas if you curve back around the wall into safe, they'll either break off early or get dragged into the safe zone, where you'll get their key (make sure to attack them, or you won't get their key)
  4. i looked into suiciding for keys and i came up with ddsing/gmauling (with glory + cmb) for the kill, but the key "drops where your target has died", and being frozen you can't pick it up. so i suppose telegrabbing the key with your suicider may work, then attacking your suicider with your main? surprising the guards have taken down my suicider rather slow, i've had 7 or 8 seconds of life after skulling until i've died, which is enough to kill an afk (dmg depends on ur cmb stats). anyway make sure if you're attacking your suicider with your main, to wait until you've killed your target/telegrabbed the key or your attack will stop your suicider from attacking your target before they're dead.
  5. the tourney should come down to clans v clans (assuming jagex doesn't prevent this), so the most massed/powerful clan should win if it plays intelligently, the suicide it's members and split the winnings or just ffa with the remaining members. smartest thing to do would be for the clan to stay together for the duration and fight together, then take one of the two options once every other player/clan is dead (suiciding members down to one or ffaing). the real strategy has to be how to max combat skills and retain xp over the few days for the last fights in the arena. regards to seasonal it seems DT and grinding combat stats as well as clanning everywhere
  6. i've be happy to go with you and at least one other clan member, or more. i've seen several solo pkers, a few duo teams, and big clans. being in a group of at least 3 will defend from solo/duos, and can give enough time to call in more members if we run into trouble.
  7. don't watch tv much, but the video game series by telltale was really enjoyable, especially the first season. something special about it that the creators really tapped into. clementine having to shoot lee at the end...
  8. got slaughtered by lt sounds back when i was a noob, thought going to burthrope through fally's west wall shortcut was safe, but he must have been pking in the taverley dungeon area you should get overheads asap, i have a gilded altar and i'd be happy to share it with clan mems, although i have yet to apply and see if i'm accepted also saw a training duo escape got brews in one of his vids at ogres, even though he had barrage and ~15 cb on both of them. just taking turns ranging him was enough to tag-team back to yanille. questing + training best to do with mates
  9. definitely think every clan should be questing together in dmm. i've only read a few posts but it seems many people still need to finish DT, and i assume many of the lower levels need to do smaller quests like animal magnetism. it would be great if there were scheduled questing times for different locations, like draynor village. since several quests are done there (ernest the chicken, vampire slayer, animal mag) a group of clan members could do those and be able to multi pkers that come. already did a majority of the pre-req quests myself (33 qp) but i wouldn't mind tagging along with a group to give added protection.
  10. plague city (ardy tele pre-req) is not hard, if you bring 1 snape grass, a knife/pestle n mortar, and a bucket, you can pick dwellberries on the way, buy a chocolate bar from the baker's stall in ardy, milk the dairy cow north of ardy, and the rest of the supplies are at edmond's house north west of ardy where the quest starts. only takes 15 minutes with wikia
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