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AC Skiller

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Skiller

  1. 300 > 2 months of work, depending on how much you'd have to work a day of course
  2. Wildy always ends up dead when AC's in town
  3. Slave your way back up the ladder, dont steak. Win win, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jk steak it all pussy.
  4. Grats on getting back the account! shit, old times. If only I could get my old account back lmao xD #Rip99Mining&Hunter :'( xD Funny thing is it wasn't banned or anything like that, old email got hacked and lost access to it. Changed my rs account details and so forth. sold my bank probably... I've given up on trying to get it back though... :'(
  5. Rip Ironman, the regret will ensue once you wanna play it again
  6. Fuck man, unlucky. Good luck on the grind to getting it back though!
  7. If that ends up being true, It's going to be real interesting
  8. Grats dude, I'm climbing up behind you sjheeeeee
  9. Fuck off, you're luck is insane x'D Grats dude.
  10. WTF, how could somebody be so stupid lmao xD never have your bank in inv on pvp worlds lmao xD grats dude.
  11. Fucking roasting plebs once again #ACAlwaysWins , Well done lads.
  12. Bank af if you succeed as well, best money / hour if you do it perfect
  13. They fucking suck so bad lmao, 4uck F20
  14. It just costs so fucking much! speacially with the market flipping out now cause of it, I'll do it later ofc but fuck. Too much of an investment, then again having that shit in home tele will be smooth af. Amazing content tbf.
  15. Iucky af, but seriously? like fuck that, I'd never take an ely even close the wildy fuuuuck. And even if a pker comes, just get outa there dont fight back shit, you've got a bloody ely lmao xD too risky.
  16. fuck SV for crashing lil cunts, #ACAlwaysWins I'm sure we'll have a clean fight vs. rev one of these days. GF
  17. Fuck you man, jeeez. lucky bugger xD lmao, Grats on the drops.
  18. fuck it dood Great reward tbh, b0nk was made.
  19. Dont stake, simple fixerino. seriously though dont stake if you dont want to lose what you're steaking / cant afford to.
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