Grats on getting back the account! shit, old times. If only I could get my old account back lmao xD #Rip99Mining&Hunter :'( xD
Funny thing is it wasn't banned or anything like that, old email got hacked and lost access to it. Changed my rs account details and so forth. sold my bank probably... I've given up on trying to get it back though... :'(
It just costs so fucking much! speacially with the market flipping out now cause of it, I'll do it later ofc but fuck. Too much of an investment, then again having that shit in home tele will be smooth af. Amazing content tbf.
Iucky af, but seriously? like fuck that, I'd never take an ely even close the wildy fuuuuck. And even if a pker comes, just get outa there dont fight back shit, you've got a bloody ely lmao xD too risky.