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AC Skiller

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Skiller

  1. This is one juicy post. very useful! rehearse this shit boys!
  2. that kc though, shit fam you lucky. Grats dude!
  3. Yup, just need one win early on really, even if you don't win EVERY time after that it's pretty easy to steamroll. Specially with the sub #1 rewards.
  4. Looks nice, love the green, really brings out the frog in me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  5. Bad memories indeed... Rest in peace Harambe... We have our dicks out for you... Never forget...
  6. LMS is bank loot, if you manage to win one game, even if you lose one or two you tend to manage to steamroll with the money you got, hardly any risk once you're deep into it
  7. Thats gonna hurt in the morning... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. 420 can't pk for shit so how could they expect to pvm for shit l0l. sit them down boiiii.
  9. L000L, fucking merk cunts face to face see how they react. Then you shove em in the van and cuck em all night long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. Fucking clearing wildy one noob at a time. Soloed some nuggets at wildy agility arena, so far got 5 dds's and a gmail l0l. Agility gains and PK gains kappa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. Tbh been waiting for ages to find a situation to cam up. Pussies don't have the balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) exactly
  12. Exactly! Log in, casually on your first day of runescape and they expect you to bake a cake! and guess what, you get the ingredients for it... And you don't even get to cook it yourself! ha! What a fucking pisstake Fuck you Fagex.
  13. thats fucking juicy af. grats dude xD
  14. Having some trouble with cook's assistance, don't know how to get the egg. could use your service! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - In all serious though good luck!
  15. Cya man, make harambe proud! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  16. Tuf quality, they're so fucking trash lmao xD Good work guys!
  17. no problem, we have to stand together in these rough times. #DicksOutForHarambe
  18. Using shadow play is fine for recording, set it to a select window (so it just records rs) and then use some editing software for the fine tuning ;D
  19. Something just like that happened to an old friend of mine who happened to be Harambe too. Maybe we should get in contact to arrange a ceremony, :')
  20. Cya mate, have fun on your weekend? lmao xD.
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