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AC Skiller

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Skiller

  1. What a shame if some of that money fell out of your pocket into mine ( ° ͜ʖ ͡°) Shame... ( ͡° ͜ʖ °)
  2. Holy Shit! Nice loot mate
  3. I know the pain man... rebuilt too many times, but on the up side, you can slowly but surely progress in your protected skills! gl with training in the future, specially this summer. Best of luck for the next seasonal when you have more time to train!
  4. Holy shit nice deposit box, Now put that money to good use and get those stats up Gl!
  5. The reality of life can be a huge exp waste. My advice is to lock yourself in a basement, plug an IV into your arm and run beef jerky and coffee ground through it. Never Eat, Never sleep, Never Exp waste. You're brothers disappearance could be optimal, but easier said than done #WhalcumBackPetru Nah but seriously what a dick, he had that punch coming. Gl with the grind.
  7. really!? is there wiki proof or something? o:
  8. Congrats mate! Holy shit I should have recorded the audio when you got it x'D #b0nk
  9. I'd love to quest! One of the things that I really need to get done in dmm.
  10. Holy Shit nice!! Swimming in that gold xD
  11. Happy to run more planks for you again if you want any more construction levels
  12. Nice levels dude Good luck with the rest of the grind!
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