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AC Skiller

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Skiller

  1. should have kept at least 1 whip dude xD great idea though, id do it too if i had that much l00t on an ironman holy fuck l0l
  2. Nice one boys, clearing cunts like its nothing
  3. Good luck on getting this all together, I'd love to be a tber, just gotta grind out some mage in the future possibly
  4. Grats dude, lol, all these drops. keep it up
  5. dude that luck is insane holy fuck! Grats!
  6. Grats dude, 99's out the way, good luck on your next grinds
  7. So lucky dude, can't wait til I get the slayer level to give it a go myself
  8. Nice loot, consider risking low tier gilded items for b0nk ;D
  9. Please Please Please don't go throw anything in the arena xD It's so painful.
  10. exactly, fuck jagex rules, you've got bloody cancer... Either way he'll do what he wants. In all seriousness though, i feel for this fucking guy jesus.
  11. Welcome back, remember seeing you around a bit before you left
  12. Grats on the drop man holy fuck, now go get a mutagen
  13. Fucks sake, you're one lucky fucker lmao xD Grats dude, keep it up!
  14. Edited 57 minutes ago by Cookin Reported. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Great work guys, f2p pking brings a lot of variety to the table!
  16. intresting tbh, f2p pking is decent imo so this is useful if you wanna invest in it
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