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AC Skiller

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Skiller

  1. how are you guys going to be swapping? through a specific service?
  2. What's everyone doing for the tourney? My main plan is to grind out a skill and swap the cash. More than happy to team up with somebody ect. Note: I will have some cash, so if any clan member is playing and wants to swap 07 I'll offer really good rates, for clan members.
  3. why'd you always do all your posts in italic, like very single post xD
  4. Shouldnt be an issue if you're fully active and doing lots with the clan
  5. Nah I respect the time and effort, but to other people that isnt a big factor. being honest but I doubt anyones gonna pay that much for any account. unless its some ironman with an ely or whatever lmao.
  6. 5k for an account, nah fam. Wayyyy too much tbh.
  7. Well thats an awkward situation, shame about the tourney. Just enjoy the time with the Mrs and lowkey support the clan if possible Mrs. > Rs in the end
  8. been watching for a good bit, pretty fucking manipulative and cruel. holy fuck...
  9. Saw this pop up in my subbox, fucking rekt their asses.
  10. * Insane IRL Money maker. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. I'm back! as the title says, I haven't been on in the past few days, school starting and all. been on a nonstop grind of buying books, working, organizing, studying ect ect ect. Lots of stuff to get sorted. Either way, I'm back for now, far more less active possibly, we'll see I suposse other than that, since school's startIng/Started for me at least and some other people that I know. Why not make a "school themed" thread, to post about what you're studying, goals, achievements, what you've previously done and so on! So I guess I'll kick it off with what I'm studying, I'm studying to become an electrical engineer, getting a bachelor's degree in that, then from there onwards I'll be getting a bachelor's degree to become an electrician, I've got a couple of other sub options that I might dabble in or invest as a main goal, but as it stands that's what I'm doing It should take 4.5 years to get my bachelor's in electrical engineering and then an extra 1.5-2 for the electrician's bachelor. then there is a whole lot more in store for after that! But yeah, I'm back, for now, studying away whilst runescape hides in the corner of my taskbar
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