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  1. Hey everyone! First off I need to apologize cuz I haven't posted anything in about a week. This is what happens when your dam professors all give you papers due the same week! Secondly, I'm super excited to say that i've been an AC intro for about 3 weeks now. Being an intro seems to be like a grace period, where you introduce yourself to the clan and you get to join on PK trips and PVM trips, assuming you have some decent communication with the clan and your at least recognizable. So last week was honestly the most fun I have had on DMM in a long time. The clan went pking and we go so bored that clan members started fun fighting each other. Of course this was controlled, but none the less awesome. The same day we ended up going as a huge team to Zammy. Big shout out to sleepyaf for being our tank, you did an amazing job man. Its been a while since I felt belonging to an integral part of the runescape community. Big shout out to Sp33dy20 for making this happen. Looking forward to more DMM experiences with AC. This ultimaltey is what you get when you put together a high risk game mode as well as some great clan mates. Since DMM is now mainly clans, its very hard to get killed and your ultimately able to risk more, if you are part of a clan. Which is ultimately a great perk for being in a clan. Thanks for the great experience guys! Look out of rmore posts this week as I will be updating you with a lot more shit. Peace!!
  2. Thanks for keeping it real bro! Honestly I was thinking the same thing about seasonal's until the mods specifically said that seasonals will be extra servers next to DMM. That means DMM will not be reset! It is here to stay and it would not be fair to players that already have so much time and effort invested into DMM. This was made explicitly clear by the Mods on a recent Q and A. For me, I know DMM will most likely always be there. Those who are not part of the hype are the ones who seem to feel left out and therefore they benefit from seeing it destroyed. Just me thoughts tho!
  3. Hey guys, So I keep hearing this over and over again, that DMM is "Dead", that its a game mode where no one plays and its basically you walking alone for hours not finding any one in sight. This is course is the furthest thing away from the truth and here, I'd like to make the case that DMM is not dead. First off, the ones who typically spam that DMM is dead are those who have been killed numeours times and have lost all of their bonk. To the people who are in that position, I ask you to put your anger and frustrations on the side when reading this. Your stupidity and lack of commitment to this rigorous game mode should not inlufence the perspectives you give to others about DMM. Ideally, there are people who have had shitty luck or are really bad at playing this game mode who have died endlessly and want the game mode to die. Why is that? Because they are soar fucking losers. They keep dying and cannot commit to strengthening their CB level so that they can avoid dying. You cannot play this game the way you play OSRS, that just docent work. If you advent realized that, then its why your probably dying all the time. Tough luck. Secondly, there is a category mistake made be people who claim DMM is dead. This mistake is so hidden that new players often fall for this. Even preexisting players fall for these dumb arguments. I will admit that if you compare the numbers of DMM to any given world on OSRS then yes the numbers are way lower. At any given point a PVP world will have 400 players while DMM will only have 100-150 (after the world squeezing). I'd like to ask here, is this right? What I mean is, can we compare DMM to OSRS servers? Is that even a fair comparison? I would like to argue that this comparison is wrong and misleading. It is literally comparing oranges to apples. Any one who has played DMM will tell you that it is a totally different experience then OSRS. Every rule in the book is thrown out and re-written. It is a category mistake to compare the two servers expecting them to have the same amount of players. QUESTION: Why don't we compare the OSRS normal worlds and PVP worlds and based on those numbers say that pvp worlds are dead? Because that would be a shitty comparison. They are two very different worlds with different reasons to play and numbers. Don't fall for this category mistake. These two game servers are totally separate and DMM should not be viewed to the numbers that exist on OSRS or even PVP worlds. I'd like to know what people think about this, do you agree with this assessment or do you actually think DMM is dead? I'd love to hear peoples arguments especially if they disagree with me here.
  4. Agreed, I think for lower levels the best place to train would be gnomes or guards. Ultimately you will have to then move to yaks for the higher level training.
  5. Hey guys! I get a lot of people especially lower levels and those who have just started playing deadman mode (yes, those people exist), Chrono, how do we freaking survive? Don't get me wrong, I'm not maxed lvl 126, but I'm currently 100 CB working my way towards a maxed account. I've played this game with complete awareness and took extra precautions for everything. So here is a small list of tips that I would recommend everyone follow, even if your still 80 or 90 CB, this list will work for you. 1. TRAIN MUTHAFUCKA, TRAIN!! Yes, training is the most important thing in DMM. Do not do anything and I mean anything until you are at least 60 or 70 def. I am not exaggerating. Here is the most likely scenario if you do start roaming around. A lvl 120 maxed main will fuck you in the ass until you die of internal bleeding. Do not step outside a safe zone until you are at least 80 CB with decent def and HP. Not exaggerating here. The best place to train in my opinion is Yaks. I have literally grinder endless levels here. Its extremely close to a safe location and its nearly impossible to get killed here, unless you get specced of course. First things first, get prayer and especially melee overheads. Then train range and def. Finally train you melee stats to fend off any foes that come your way. 2. FIGHT THE TEMPTATION TO PK When I stepped into Deadman, I wanted to PK immediately. After all, this is a pking server. This was a very big mistake. It took endless hours for me to raise my stats, only to have them fall immedilaty after my death. If you are not an extremely skilled pker, odds are you are going to die if you skull or go to an area with no escapes. You will most likely run into maxed mains and get destroyed so don't go pking until your at least 100 CB with 94 mage and all the other great stats. 3. PLAY THE BANK GAME SMART Do not step outside the bank unless you are willing to loose what you have and what is in your bank. This is a big problem, people take risk thats are so unnecessary! Before you go do a clue scroll, or go kill zulrah, or go PK, take a look at your bank and make sure you aren't risking 4k hats for 2k sharks. Sell everything and keep you account to the bare minimum. This will ensure that you are not loosing too much on death and that your deposit box stays full! 4. LEARN THE EATING TRICK If you weren't already aware, shark brew can save your life. Trust me, always have sharks and brews on your character at all times. Even when your with your friends (those shits can back stab you). These are just some tips as to how I survive in DMM. I hope this advice helps. My question to you is, how do you survive DMM?? Id love to hear from you all. please comment below for any tactics and advice you have. Thanks!!!
  6. Hello Everyone! My name is Chrono and I'm gonna be doing a daily blog post. I love to blog on my spare time about other random shit so this blog will be dedicated to DMM. I'm mostly gonna deal with my personal experiences on DMM and give you guys some guides and mainly rants about shit that happens on this crazy ass game mode. I came back playing runescape after quitting for more then 5 years. I couldn't play EOC and when OSRS came out, the XP rates where way too slow. I just didn't have time to commit to OSRS. When DMM came out I was ecstatic about the XP rates and decided to come back and play this amazing and nostalgic game! I've been playing for about 3 months now and its been freaking amazing. Yes yes, the game mode isisnt perfect. There is a lot of messed up shit and I personally don't like how the one v. one factor is almost completely removed, but its still so much fun. If you reading this and you've quit deadman, odds are you've been killed and lost all your shit. That sucks, but tough luck, we all have died numerous times. You cannot play this game mode without keeping death in mind, at any given time I can die and loose all my shit and xp. When it does happen, I'm mentally prepped for it, its just part of the game mode! So why do I play DMM? There is a thrill that exists in DMM that does not exist in OSRS. I have been playing Runescape since I was 8 (yes stealing moms credit cards was totally worth it). All of the years I played, the game became very repetitive. There are certain times where runescape was not an adventure game any more because of how often I would just stand in wildy and simply fight people over and over again. With deadman mode, it is literally an adventure. Every place you go, you need to plan. You can't even go to edgeville because your scared that a max mage will kill you! It takes the word adventure to a whole new level. Walking from one place to another is not easy, and you need to think over every single step before you make it. That is a thrill that I cannot find when everything is super safe. So to all the people who quit DMM, I understand why you quit. But lets get real, there is a thrill on DMM that you will not find on OSRS. This is what makes me play DMM. I played Runescape for ages without meeting any one new or making any actual friends. Not because I couldn't, but because there was no reason for me to do that. I could simply play the game solo and kill each boss solo, so a group of friends was not needed. DMM forced me to team up with other players and open up to trust people who I had just met. What brought us closer as clan mates was "fear". The fear of dying on DMM does strange things and makes people bond together to ensure that their not dying. I don't want this to be too long so expect more posts daily about random shit pertaining to DMM, this includes proposed changes, problems and cool shit that happens on a day to day basis. Feel free to comment with your thoughts!
  7. Hey guys! Here my theory on the cutting down of servers or worlds on DMM. It seems like with the cutting down of servers, the worlds have been reduced in half. This has caused players to be closer to each other. basically instead of 100 people being distributed in 6 rooms, now you have the same amount of players stuffed in 3 room. This is good for pkers and skull hunters. It means a lot more deaths and a lot more items to be sold by pkers. The very next day after the cutting down of worlds, the items dropped significantly. I believe this is because of high levels of supply and not enough demand. supply comes from players being killed from begin squeezed in with max magers. There is no demand because people are dying. Basically what is happening is the middle class of DMM is being destroyed. You have the very poor and the very rich. This is a a problem. I sernie banders, would like to save us from this problem. I'm gonna break up the big clans and regulate them. I'm also gonna create a bigger tax for the rich maxed magers. They are ruing the economy!
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