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Everything posted by Flamewall2

  1. Returning items does not return levels also I had told u the day before it was my acc when u attempted to kill it and very few fish in releka I find it hard to believe u just forgot when there are like 5 people
  2. Well i guess ill just join a diff clan it was fun while it lasted
  3. I was on him becasue he killed my fisher know it was mine
  4. So yesterday Parabox attempted to Dbow my fisher in Relleka he survived and I told him. Today he kills my fisher so I attack him and now im banned.
  5. Had attack on hidden but accidently used a spell on sombody just ruined my mage lost around 8m exp RIP
  6. After brewing to full hp you should drink restore pot to get mage lvls back so they are more likely to splash on u
  7. Why you using dark crabs isn't the new fish in zeah better?
  8. I got a guilded altar yesterday send me a pm if any of you ever want to use it. Edit: rs name is sunstrike666
  9. He is way to close for a safe zone for it to matter inb4 barrage dds spec 103 dmg
  10. Ill swap 1:1 also dont grind your combat stats everytime if it annoys you just prot range and hp
  11. Im guessing your quiting because you died. Anyways how much for kharils top?
  12. Looking for someone to start a slayer task so we can PJ for each other if needed. My slayer is 75 or 74 don't remember.
  13. Ur being to risky 66 hp and no food fcape not gunna save you from dds but gratz
  14. 5.5m 07 nd deal if not sell it and I'll do a 1:1.2 ratio
  15. I can get a blowpipe for 4m on zybez I will offer 5m 07
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