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AC Reaction

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Reaction

  1. nice man! right place at the right time
  2. Looks awesome!! Should definitely get this up on all RS related forums for some recruiting. Examples being Rune-Server, Sythe, etc.
  3. You know what time it's officially getting released? I'm Eastern time zone
  4. Back from the dead to kill some tata nerds xD For those of you who know, they got my main account banned on the original DMM when I was almost maxed out. They all sat at v square and spammed to report me for botting. 1 week later, I was banned. So yeah, that's why I've been inactive af So hyped for the release tho boys, waking up early for it. Anyone got a confirmation on what time the servers will actually be put up?
  5. Welcome back mate! Will be on TS tomorrow for the first time in months, hope to talk to you on the release of seasonals
  6. Hey guys. Not sure if you guys even remember me lol, but I've been inactive for about 1-2 months. Tata was spamming in varrock on dmm to report me, and apparently all the reporting paid off because I got banned for botting. I was almost maxed so it was kinda a buzzkill and I have had no motivation to play. Note: My main osrs account got banned as well (rip) Now, I'm looking to obviously participate in seasonal coming up, so for those of you who remember pking with me, I'm looking forward to speaking with you guys soon, and I am very sorry for the inactivity!
  7. He's in Tata lols, he'll learn that was a mistake
  8. When dropping valuable items, you need to hit 1 on the dialogue i believe. gf though man
  9. This design looks very professional. I like the look of it!
  10. You have people who don't even play DMM voting. I remember when the polls got released, their was a greater amount of votes than amount of players online on DMM at that time. We don't need OSRS people voting on something that doesn't even affect them.
  11. luls gz man, ik this is old but can't wait till i'm in as well
  12. That was so perfect. Makes me wanna get a dbow
  13. Hoping d claws get approved. Game needs new content, which will bring back at least a portion of the people that we lost in dmm.
  14. Nice mate! I'm looking forward to doing barrows in the future when I see loots like this haha
  15. Not meant to grave-dig this, but it was about time someone killed him. Great loots mate
  16. Even tho dmm is dying, this was very fun to be apart of. Need more shit like this
  17. Nothing better than a forum without ads. Nice one mate
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