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x factor x99

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  1. RSN is x factor x99. or pm me here on the forums
  2. Let's see. Last I saw, people were selling raws at 1.9k and selling cooked at 2.3-2.5k. This would mean that cooking a shark is worth 500gp. Does it seem fair for me to cook each shark for 350gp? You should still be able to save money this way if my math is correct. So 1000 sharks for 350k? I would be happy to do so if you were to supply the mats. I thought about doing them all myself before, but the idea of churning butter or milk made me seem it wasn't worth. I added you in game. I've been playing less often now. Maybe pick a time and I'll meet you on for a short while. I'm on US East time.
  3. Hit 94 magic this morning! Ice barrage here we come. I finally feel like I have legit pking stats with my 91 ranged 94 magic. Can't wait to get some 20 second freezes off; I have been playing a lot more of diablo 3 now though =/
  4. Is "bkayy" your rsn? So you can see me online. That's the name i added.
  5. I just think it's a little silly to have to pull up the cc window and check if a player is ranked or friended to know for sure if they are a member. Do you think any changes will be made to stop people from hiding in the cc? (provided this mode lives on)
  6. I have the understanding that the cc is open for anyone, and people use it a lot for call outs and to buy/sell items. However; when clan mates are on pk trips, how do we react to purple dots knowing half of the purple dots are not accepted clan members?
  7. Fishing is worth it now with the ridiculous prices people pay. I personally protect: fishing, cooking, and agility for non-combats (85, 99, 81 atm). I regret not using slayer as one of my protects. I recommend grinding 75 construction first, make a guilded alter, portal room, mounted glory, and lecturn (to make tele tabs). Then once you have all this stuff in your house, stop protecting construction because you have all the goods.
  8. Just wanted to throw out my services for anyone who needs them. I will cook sharks/dark crabs for a small fee, free if I'm feeling generous. Drop your RSN in the comments so you can see me online.
  9. I think a lot of people quit because they were getting smacked around by geared and lvled players. D claws would just contribute to this, allowing rich players to continue dominating over average players.
  10. That's true. I read on here that someone earlier was frustrated that OSRS players could vote for DMM changes and vice versa. Maybe a way they could handle the issue is to only let players vote on DMM poles if they have 24+ hours played in DMM. I know this doesn't prevent people that have quitt DMM from voting, but at least those people have put some time into the game mode. On another note, it still blows my mind how populated the non DMM worlds are.
  11. To be honest, as much as I do not want them in the game, I would vote them in if it would bring more players back. We spend too much time grinding for stats and gold as it is; we should not have to waste extra time sitting in varrok trying to buy/sell items in this poor economy.
  12. Hello friends. Thought it would be nice to start a discussion on what everyone thinks about the d claws poll question. Personally I think we don't need another top tier spec weapon. AGS and dark bow seem sufficient to me. More importantly I think the update would increase the number of players farming dragons which would greatly effect the d bone and d hide market. What do you guys think about the topic? Would it draw people towards tav dungen and greens?
  13. I have 99 cooking if anyone needs things cooked.
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