Was looking for some rules, general guidelines on what not to do. Apparently theirs not very many and most are made up by the spot by mods.
These are the things outlined on what you can get a strike on.
These are the OFFICAL rules posted VIA sp33dy20
I've been seeing a few posts about reports etc, and some of them don't make sense as there's no rules around them, only ones made up by mods as per "on the spot".
For example; power abuse, no official rule about it.
I feel as though there should be some clear, dead set rules about what you can and cannot do, although these should be explanatory, I feel as though rules shouldn't be made up on the spot and others such as myself be aware on what to avoid to not get into trouble.
Just some food for thought as there's no written rules on bsing, etc etc list goes on you get the general idea, just feel as though these "on the spot" rules should be written down and made official so everyone is clear on them, not just grey areas about them.