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Everything posted by angelzpkr

  1. hahaha nice man, i feel like that kid dies so often lol
  2. i dont think it will revive it but it will be cool for those who currently play
  3. getting clipped there is the worst haha, thats where i did all my starting training until i died like twice...
  4. ouch id be so salty, goodluck on the rebuild though~
  5. lmao who stops in a fight to sell runes to the other guy....
  6. i cant believe how dumb those people are hahaha, but good job man~
  7. hey landfox, I was looking to gain access to the ts, ive spent a couple days on the forums and wanted to get to know people on the ts before i officially applied, is this something you can help me with? i would of sent you a message but I can only send one per day



    1. Land Fox

      Land Fox

      Have you downloaded team speak?

  8. its great the whole squad came through that quick~
  9. digging the breaking Benjamin, also whip combos on point man~
  10. ouch im sorry man, goodluck on the rebuild so you can fuck that guy uppp
  11. i dont think thats really too much work, definitely worth a shot, and if it doesn't work out move on to the next thing lol
  12. very descriptive writing style man, 2 thumbs up~
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